Valuable Information:

Treasured secrets are more like it! After much discussion and near fist fights, we have decided to share some of our most honored tips about how to play the game. We decided that it is only fair to share our secrets with the world so they too are given the same opportunities that we were given. You may download, print and/or study them if you wish, but do not seek to profit from these secrets in any way. They must be used only for the good of the sport.

  1. BulletWALDNER TIPS  by J-O Waldner

  2. BulletFACTS & TIPS    by Ron Lewis

  3. BulletTen Quick Tips from Newgy  by Larry Thoman (USATT Certified Regional Coach)

  4. BulletTen Quick Tips Using a Newgy Robots

  5. BulletHow to Win At Killer Ping Pong

  6. BulletTable Tennis Training Wiki

  7. BulletTable Tennis Training Wiki

  8. BulletPing-Pong as Mind Game, an article by the New York Times

  9. BulletCoaching Lessons by the Australian Olympic Coach

  10. BulletTable Tennis Strokes, Drills and Selecting Equipment, by Pong World

  11. BulletDo Not Stress Over Your Competition, by Stan Popovich

  12. BulletManaging Your Anxieties in Table Tennis, by Stanley Popovich

  13. BulletCOACHING, a site by Larry Hodges, one of the most influencial players in the U.S.

  14. BulletCertified Coaching, a site to help you find certified coaches in the U.S.

  15. Bulletnew: The Fitness and Sport of Table Tennis, an excellent article by kickboxing site, 9Round

  16. Bulletnew: #1 Most Difficult Rule Change, an article about how the performance of poly balls vary 

Cub Scouts Program:

During the 2002-2003 season, GMTTC had a partnership with a local Cub Scouts Troop. At the time it was only the second club in the nation to have such a program! Its success introduced many new kids to the game of Ping Pong. At its conclusion, each Cub Scout was given a certificate by GMTTC recognizing their understanding of the game and accomplishment.

Below is documentation of the program:

Session Handout A
Session Handout B
Session Certificate

If you are a Cub Scout and interested in earning 
pins related to Table Tennis, click the link HERECoaching_files/Cub%20Scouts%20Session%201%20Handout.pdfCoaching_files/Cub%20Scouts%20Session%202%20Handout.pdfCoaching_files/Cub%20Scouts%20Session%202%20Handout.pdfCoaching_files/Cub%20Scout%20Session%201%20Cert.pdf