Before we talk dollars and cents, please read about the benefits our members receive:
Our club welcomes guests from around the world. We have had visitors from nearly every state as well as Iran, China, Sweden, Germany and many others. We have novice, intermediate and expert players, and a membership fee gives you the opportunity to play with anyone in our club, and hopefully improve your skills.
So, what do you get for your membership fee? Well, we like to believe you’re getting the best recreational bargain in the area! If you were to take advantage of all our activities, you would be paying just over 18-1/2 cents per playing hour! Now, that’s a true bargain by any standard!
If you are a regular table tennis player or if you want to be involved in this exciting Olympic sport at a higher level, you should take advantage of a membership in the Club. The benefits of Club membership are:
Free access to table usage, balls and bats;
Discount on entry fee for tournaments sponsored by the Club;
Notification of club activities and club programs as well as news related to the sport of
Table Tennis;
Advance notification and access to clinics and classes offered by the club;
Access to video library of past World Table Tennis Championships and other
international Table Tennis Tournaments featuring some of the super stars of this sport;
Access to Newgy robot (38mm ball) at nominal cost for home on a month-by-month basis;
Lasting friendships with our quality members.
According to our Club Constitution, the following is our dues structure.
Membership dues for Active Membership: $30 per season.
Membership dues for Junior Active Membership: $10 per season.
Family memberships are available, the dues for which are to be determined under the following structure: 1st person, full-rate; half-rate for each person beyond the initial full-rate individual.
A prospective member will be allowed a maximum of two visits as a guest. If the dues are not paid by the third visit, the prospective member can pay $3 per visit to continue playing, or will no longer be able to participate.
Any prospective member desiring to become a full member in the Green Mountain Table Tennis Club may do so by indicating their desire to the Secretary/Treasurer and by payment of dues.
Honorary membership will not be assessed dues.
Hardship cases shall be forwarded in confidentiality to the club’s officers, whereby determination shall be judged on its merit.
Restructuring of dues will be established at the club’s annual meeting.
Dues for an entire season are to be paid in full upon commencement of the membership, prorated if need be. Pro-ration of seasonal dues will only occur after a membership becomes effective after February 1st. Subsequent to February 1st, membership dues will be payable at $10.00 off the regular season rate.
Any member of the Green Mountain Table Tennis Club wishing to terminate membership may do so by notifying the Secretary/Treasurer. Dues for fees paid through the season will not be refunded. Dues paid in advance, i.e., the following season, will be refunded in full following termination.
Any member assisting with tournament preparations the day before each tournament will be entitled to enter as many events as they wish toward that tournament for a nominal $5.00 fee.
There will be a waiver of all tournament fees for officers of the Green Mountain Table Tennis Club as well as for major contributors to tournament proceedings, which will be determined by vote of the officers.
(All fees are payable in cash or by personal check)
During the summer months, we continue to play every Wednesday. If you visit this area during the summer, keep that schedule in mind, or look to our web site under "Calendar" to see our schedule. There is no charge for players who come once or twice, and just $3 per visit thereafter.
We suggest you JOIN the USATT! There are many benefits if you are a hardcore player. See http://www.usatt.org/. As a member, you will receive a national rating based on your results from a USATT sanctioned tournament of your singles matches, in addition to a subscription to Table Tennis magazine. Or you can join an USATT LEAGUE. The LEAGUE opened publicly in 2003, and provides for competitive matches in singles and team play. The League is free of charge and does not require USATT membership to participate. More on League play can be found at: http://www.usatt.org/league/.